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20 Minutes to Trained: Access to all 26 Course Topics

Want to train your team but feel like you never have enough time? NABITA now offers 22 modules of video-based training designed to train your team on the use of assessment tools, deploying interventions, assessing social media threats, mandating counseling, returning to campus after a hospitalization, and more!

These 20-Minutes-to...Trained modules average 20 minutes in length and give you the ability to plan modular trainings based on the topics you want to prioritize, or to allow trainees to take all 26 topics over time, but in bite-size chunks of easily attained information.

Available Topics: 

1. After a Student Death
2. Community College and the BIT
3. Conduct and the BIT
4. Cultural Competency
5. Developing and Deploying Interventions
6. Law Enforcement and the BIT
7. Leadership of the BIT
8. LGBTQIA+ Populations
9. Mandated Counseling
10. Marketing your BIT
11. NaBITA Assessment Tools
12. Recordkeeping and Notetaking
13. Returning to Campus from Hospitalization
14. Role of the Counselor on the BIT
15. Social Media Threat
Assessment of the BIT Program
17. BIT Framework in the K-12 Setting
18. FERPA v. HIPPA v. Privilege
19. Mandated Assessment
20. Mitigating Bias in BIT Referrals
21. One Team vs. Two Teams
22. Voluntary/Involuntary Withdrawal


Price: $1,749.00
Member Price: $1,579.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: After a Student Death

Join Daniel Swinton, J.D., Ed.D. and David Denino, LPC, NCC, in this 20 Minutes to…Trained video as they discuss the complexity of responding to a student death. In this video, they address both the way these losses impact the campus community as well as good practices for navigating such situations. Additionally, Daniel and David share resources and guidance for developing official protocols at your institution.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Assessment of the BIT Program

This 20-Minutes to... Trained examines the elements of an effective assessment strategy for Behavioral Intervention Teams. NABITA experts Makenzie Schiemann, M.S., Ph.D. and Haven Hart, M.Ed., Ph.D., discuss the variety of assessments available to a BIT, the types of data analysis that improve a BIT’s effectiveness, and how assessments aid a BIT in capturing and sharing important information with the school or campus community. This topic is an excellent opportunity for teams looking to assess the impact of their efforts and maximize their school or campus influence.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: BIT Framework in the K-12 Setting

This 20-Minutes to... Trained focuses on Behavioral Intervention Team framework elements within the K-12 environment. NABITA experts Tim Cason, M.Ed., and Makenzie Schiemann, M.S., Ph.D., explore best practices for staffing, structure, and process that create a collaborative and comprehensive approach for BITs, noting some of the strengths and challenges of team approaches within the K-12 setting. This topic is an excellent opportunity for K-12 BIT members to understand the role and scope of administrators who support and advocate for BIT work within the school or district.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Community College and the BIT

Join Lori Meehan and Poppy Fitch, Ed.D. in this 20 Minutes to…Trained video as they explore the unique dynamics of operating a BIT/CARE team at a community college. In this video, they discuss what makes these campuses, students served and team operations a bit different from other higher education settings. From multi-site institutions to leveraging community partners, Lori and Poppy can help you enhance your team.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Conduct and the BIT

Join Makenzie Schiemann, M.S., Ed. Psych, and W. Scott Lewis, J.D. in this 20 Minutes to…Trained video as they define the intersection of student conduct and the BIT. They describe common overlap in student situations and cases to highlight the importance of having conduct representation on the BIT/CARE team. Scott and Makenzie also provide insight of how the two operations can support and inform each other, while also reinforcing distinction between the areas.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Cultural Competence in BIT Assessment and Intervention

 This 20-Minutes to... Trained examines the degree of cultural competence necessary to effectively operate Behavioral Intervention Teams. ATIXA and NABITA experts Mandy Hambleton, M.S., and Tanyka highlight areas of common challenge within the BIT referral, assessment, and response processes and offer an intentional approach to mitigating potential bias from school community members and BIT members. This topic provides examples and thoughtful considerations for anyone leading, engaging with, or supervising BIT members at K-12 and higher education institutions.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Cultural Competency

Join Brian Van Brunt, Ed.D. and Tanyka Barber, J.D., M.S., in this 20 Minutes to…Trained video as they explore the topic of cultural competency and the BIT. They describe micro-aggression and bias, as well as how cross-cultural matters can impact the BIT/Care team and its process. In this video, Brian and Tanyka also provide strategies for improving cultural literacy and bias awareness individually and for your team.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Developing and Deploying Interventions

Join Jamie Molnar, LMHC and Allison Frost in this 20 Minutes to…Trained video as they discuss all things interventions. In this video, they describe how to effectively develop intervention plans according to assessed risk level, and how to put those plans into action. Jamie and Allison also share the importance of BIT case management – either as a process or position – for deploying interventions with students of concern.

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: FERPA v. HIPPA v. Privilege

This 20-Minutes to... Trained focuses on BIT compliance with FERPA and HIPPA mandates. Expert NABITA faculty members Linda Abbott, L.M.H.C., and W. Scott Lewis, J.D., dive into the differences between the two laws and how those laws intersect with the work of the BIT both at the K-12 and higher education levels. Linda and Scott provide practitioners with a roadmap of FERPA, including the information that can be shared, with whom, and in what circumstances. This training is an excellent tool to provide all school or campus community members with a brief and informative introduction to FERPA. This training is a perfect opportunity for all BIT members and those who help to provide referrals or provide interventions for students.  

Price: $99.00
Member Price: $89.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Full Access to All 11 Course Topics (2023)

Want to train your team but feel like you never have enough time? NABITA now offers 11 modules of video-based training designed to train your team on the use of assessment tools, deploying interventions, assessing social media threats, mandating counseling, returning to campus after a hospitalization, and more!

These 20-Minutes-to...Trained modules average 20 minutes in length and give you the ability to plan modular trainings based on the topics you want to prioritize, or to allow trainees to take all 11 topics over time, but in bite-size chunks of easily attained information.

Available Topics: 

Assessment of the BIT Program
BIT Framework in the K-12 Setting
Cultural Competence in BIT Assessment and Intervention
FERPA v. HIPPA v. Privilege
Mandated Assessment
Mitigating Bias in BIT Referrals
One Team vs. Two Teams
Overview of the NABITA Tools
Return from Hospitalization
Student Conduct and BIT
Voluntary/Involuntary Withdrawal

Price: $549.00
Member Price: $499.00
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20 Minutes to Trained: Full Access to All 15 Course Topics

Want to train your team but feel like you never have enough time? NaBITA now offers 15 modules of video-based training designed to train your team on the use of assessment tools, deploying interventions, assessing social media threats, mandating counseling, returning to campus after a hospitalization, and more!

These 20-Minutes-to...Trained modules average 20 minutes in length and give you the ability to plan modular trainings based on the topics you want to prioritize, or to allow trainees to take all 15 topics over time, but in bite-size chunks of easily attained information.

Available Topics: 

1. After a Student Death
2. Community College and the BIT
3. Conduct and the BIT
4. Cultural Competency
5. Developing and Deploying Interventions
6. Law Enforcement and the BIT
7. Leadership of the BIT
8. LGBTQIA+ Populations
9. Mandated Counseling
10. Marketing your BIT
11. NaBITA Assessment Tools
12. Recordkeeping and Notetaking
13. Returning to Campus from Hospitalization
14. Role of the Counselor on the BIT
15. Social Media Threat

Price: $1,199.00
Member Price: $1,079.00
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